Are You Struggling with Menopause and Hair Loss in the Same Time?

There are many changes and problems related to menopause, but hair loss is one of the most annoying. Those erratic and unpredictable hormone levels can begin wreaking havoc on the female body.

Your hair may begin to thin, turn gray, and become more brittle. Dry skin, the development of facial hair, insomnia, and “hot flashes” are a few of the other symptoms that are frequently associated with menopause.

According to most of the leading experts, loss of hair can be traced to the diminished production of “female” hormones. Women, who have reached the “menopausal” years, will experience lower levels of progesterone and estrogen.


How Menopause Affects Hair Growth?

Women’s body, that has entered menopause, may begin to produce more testosterone than normal. It is believed that these imbalances help create a foundation that encourages hair growth on the face and body, while the hair on the scalp undergoes a more negative metamorphosis.

Menopause can begin very early in life although this transition is more likely to occur during the ages of 40-55. As menopause changes take place it is not unusual for stress levels to also increase dramatically. The body’s reaction to stress is just another condition that can contribute to the development of noticeable bald patches along the scalp.

A dormant androgenetic alopecia may be triggered by menopause. This is a genetic form of baldness that can occur in either males or females. If your “menopausal years” unleash this problem, you will soon begin to notice that you are losing several hundred hairs each day. Even with your body still attempting to re-grow some of the hair the loss is still going to be quite visible.

Some women will be confronted with additional health complications that are linked to menopause. These may include health conditions such as an

  • underactive thyroid,
  • nutritional disorders
  • chemical imbalances
  • sluggish metabolism
  • or severe skin problems

Any of these situations could also include hair loss as one of the symptoms.

In some situations, a lack of vitamins, an astringently restrictive diet, excessive worry, or an autoimmune condition may be to blame for the problems with your hair.


Always Check With Your Doctor

If you notice that your hair is becoming brittle or that there are some obvious balding patches present you should check with your physician to determine what underlying cause is responsible for the loss of hair. Menopause could be the culprit or the hair loss could be related to another condition.

Menopause could be the culprit or the hair loss could be related to another condition. There are even some prescription medications that could also trigger a loss of hair.


Try Not To Add Unnecessary Stress

Women can suffer from extreme emotional distress that results from menopause and hair loss. The physical appearance of many women is closely entwined with the way their hair looks. When the hair gets thin, patchy, and balding, it can have a negative impact on their self-confidence and ego.

If you are healthy but want to take a proactive stance to help prevent any unnecessary loss of hair you might consider using a quality herbal shampoo and conditioner instead of trusting products that contain harsh chemical formulas. There are also

There are also a number of natural dietary supplements that may be able to strengthen and condition your hair at the cellular level.

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