Flowers for the home, patio bouquets

“Flowers, Holland, new varieties” - this is the terminology that defines the activities of the Flower Council of Holland, the Flower Bureau of Holland.

This company unites the interests of numerous participants in the flower market, as well as flower lovers. Every month, the Flower Bureau informs the world about the appearance of new cut plants and indoor flowers, new marketing promotions, and interesting events in the field of floriculture and floristry.

Thus, in the spring-summer of every year, interesting varieties of flowers appear on the flower market; some of last year’s new products are now at the peak of popularity at flower auctions in Holland. I would like to talk about all this in more detail.

Astra Caitlyn

The success of this bouquet plant, in fact, was noted back in 2006, when a new variety of aster appeared in limited quantities at a flower auction. Unique blue flowers immediately gained popularity among wholesale flower buyers. Thanks to the excitement, the highest prices for this variety were set in the assortment range of asters offered at auction. The Caitlyn aster stands out not only for its excellent external data, but its cutting characteristics are also rated quite highly. The flower survives the transportation period well - up to 12 days, and then stands in a vase for a long time. Compact blue flowers with pale yellow centers look attractive in compact bouquets.

Chrysanthemum Black Eye

This chrysanthemum is one of a kind! Its appearance changed all ideas about bouquet chrysanthemums offered on the market. Unique flowers with snow-white petals and bright black centers explain how the name of this variety (Black Eye) was born. Another distinctive feature of this chrysanthemum is the huge number of buds on the stem. The flower lives in a vase for at least three weeks. The Black Eye chrysanthemum was enthusiastically received at a flower auction and is now being supplied to consumers in limited quantities.

Cellosia Carnaval

A whole group of potted cellosias was offered by producers at a flower auction in 2007. These are cellosia Carnaval Robina with pastel colors in pink-red tones and cellosia Carnaval Flame, with flowers in yellow-orange shades. Both varieties made a worthy campaign for the purple-flowered Celosia Caracas, which was offered by growers a little earlier. In the near future, “sisters” of these magnificent potted plants will appear on the market, the appearance of which is eagerly awaited by connoisseurs. Dutch flower growers are preparing to launch new burgundy-red and pink-flowered cellosia varieties called Kelos Scarlet and Caracas Bolivar. The main advantages of all these celosia, intended for decorating houses, balconies, and patios, are compactness and excellent decorative qualities.

Turmeric Siam

In 2006, new varieties of indoor turmeric Siam were offered to the market as part of a serious advertising program. Consumers greeted the Scarlet variety with the greatest enthusiasm - the flagship variety of the "Siamese" line. Plants are successfully sold at an average auction price of just under 3 Euros, and during the year sales reached 465 thousand plants. Not a bad start for a new product! Manufacturers emphasize several distinctive features of the “Siamese” line, among which are the exceptionally attractive leaves of plants with red veins. Turmeric Siam can be grown in small-diameter pots, making the plants attractive for transportation and indoor growing. The entire line of new varieties is represented by plants of a very diverse range of colors, including blue, pink, bright red shades,


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