Creative Storage Ideas for Small Spaces

Living in a small space? If yes, then you’re reading the right article. You’ll learn about creative storage ideas for small spaces, and how you can implement them in your home. The size of the house shouldn’t stop you from thinking about great storage solutions. Get ready to be super-organized!

Think about Storage Solutions that Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight

There are pieces of furniture like cushion chairs that may come with storage compartments which serve as great places to keep stuff, especially those items that you wouldn’t want visitors to see.

Use Hooks and Open Shelves as Extended Closet Spaces

Closet spaces may be insufficient in small homes. What do you do when this happens? Think open shelves and hooks on walls. You’ll be able to hang clothes on the hooks and keep items like jewelry on the shelves. Neat, right?

Be Creative with Vertical Surfaces Apart from Walls

Door surfaces can serve as storage solutions if you have no problem seeing stuff hung on them. It’s preferable to keep this idea limited to bathrooms, kitchens, and stores. Implementing it in other rooms might not look good.

Make Use of Narrow Wall Spaces in the Kitchen for Open Shelves

It’s not only long horizontal spaces that should be targeted, especially in the kitchen. You can also use short horizontal spaces for floating or wall-mounted shelves. 

Try Ladder-Style Shelves in Your Room

Ladder-style shelves stand on the floor and are made to rest on the wall—just like a ladder. They have staggering sections from the top down. The design is better when the shelves get narrower from the bottom up.

Adopt Multi-Functional Shelves

Imagine that you were able to use one of the sections of your vertical wall-attached shelf as a study table. Useful and money-saving. It could also double as a home office table.

Search for More Creative Storage Solutions Online if You Want to

If you’re still curious about discovering more ideas, then it’s OK to continue the search. Check online (e-commerce) stores, expert websites, or blogs to get information and view product descriptions. You’ll be amazed by what you find. So many possibilities.

How creative do you want to get? It’s best to think of a cheap solution for your space, if affordability is a problem. Maybe there are DIY options that you can handle, or there’s a local carpenter nearby whose quote is just right for your wallet. If you decide to hire a carpenter, be sure that you get the perfect plan for the creative storage solutions you need for your home. Another method is for the expert to simply develop your older storage solutions with innovative ideas.

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