Reasons why smoking cessation fails

About the causes of failure in quitting smoking

It is said that the three main causes of failure in quitting smoking are ``alcohol,'' ``stress,'' and ``depression.'' Here, we will examine the causes of failure in quitting smoking and the preventive measures.

The golden rule is to stay away from the causes of failure in quitting smoking.

We recommend that you stay away from the causes (factors) that make smoking cessation fail as much as possible. In particular, the first thing I write about is alcohol, which not only gives me the urge to smoke but also makes me want to start smoking again because alcohol makes me angry and makes me unable to make calm decisions.

As I wrote in `` Just one cigarette is a no-no'', if a non-smoker smokes even one cigarette, all his hard work will be for nothing. Understand the causes of failure in quitting smoking and take countermeasures.

Alcohol and failure to quit smoking

When alcohol enters my body, I feel like smoking. There are many people who were able to quit smoking when there was no alcohol involved, but when they drink at a drinking party, they can no longer resist the urge to smoke and end up smoking, failing to quit.

Stress and failure to quit smoking

When you quit smoking, the nicotine in your body decreases, making you feel irritable. This is a withdrawal symptom from smoking cessation. However, smokers know that smoking cigarettes relieves this irritation, so when they are under stress, they inevitably want to smoke.

Failure to quit smoking due to lack of willpower

Why did you fail to quit smoking? When asked this question, the most common answer was that they had a weak intention to quit smoking. Smoking is addictive, so even if you have a strong will, you may give up. Here we will explain techniques to overcome failure to quit smoking due to weakness of will.


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