Mothers Need to know About Diarrhea in Young Children

How to know the cause of diarrhea?

Children can have bowel movements 5-10 times a day after each feeding, stools are thick or slightly wet, dark yellow, and children gain weight well; This case is not called diarrhea. If the baby does not breastfeed enough, the stool will be green and watery but in small amounts. Vegetarian-o-tree-me-can-beet

Diarrhea due to viral infection: If the baby has loose stools, and no blood, it is usually caused by a viral infection, the illness lasts an average of 5-7 days, it may be accompanied by mild fever, vomiting, fussiness... Rotavirus is a super virus. Bacteria that cause acute gastroenteritis are very common in young children during the first 5 years of life, especially between the ages of 3 months and 2 years. Diarrhea in young children loose stools, lemon yellow or white with mucus, sometimes like lilac, mustard flowers.

Diarrhea due to infection: often caused by children eating unhygienic, contaminated food or having a habit of sucking their hands and toys... Children often have abdominal cramps, and loose bowel movements but do not have to flush all water and feces. There will be a foul odor that may be accompanied by blood and mucus.

Diarrhea after enteritis, or due to lactose malabsorption, cow's milk protein allergy: children can improve when fed formula that removes or contains very little lactose or hydrolyzed protein formula.

How to treat children with diarrhea?

Children should be taken to a medical facility when they have one of the following signs: continuous high fever, convulsions, vomiting a lot, not eating or drinking, bloating, and bloody stools. The most important thing when a child has diarrhea is to be rehydrated and electrolytes, possibly with Oresol water, and must follow the instructions for mixing Oresol. Absolutely do not arbitrarily use drugs to stop diarrhea, because drugs that reduce intestinal motility prevent stool from being excreted.

Diarrhea in young children is mostly caused by infections in the intestinal tract, loose stools are also a way to protect the body to help eliminate bacteria and toxins. , enteritis, even bowel obstruction, intestinal perforation, and death.

How to take care of a child with diarrhea?

Feed the child with adequate nutrients as usual, do not abstain or change the child's diet, should give the child more meals. If the baby is formula-fed, continue to feed the baby with the usual reconstituted milk, not more diluted. It is recommended to temporarily replace it with lactose-free milk for about 2 weeks. You should consult your doctor when you want to change milk for your child.

Baby is fussy, gassy, and accompanied by other signs

If a fussy baby is accompanied by the following worrisome signs, a gastroenterologist should be seen and a temporary switch to a lactose-reduced diet/feeding may be considered:

  • Frequent vomiting, reflux, vomiting, and intermittent coughing.
  • Sandifer (Sandifer).
  • Children are underdeveloped and malnourished.
  • Children have allergic symptoms in the skin and respiratory tract.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding (black stools, etc.).
  • Someone in the family has allergies.

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