Managing Family Meals For Moms

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Whether small or large, filled with handsome appliances or hand-me-downs that barely work, it's always the most crowded room in the house. Apart from the cooking that goes on there, the kitchen is where family bonding happens. It's where loved ones gather, traditions are forged, homework problems are solved, and memories are made.

It's important to think about what goes on in your kitchen and what you'd like to have happen there, because food helps create the atmosphere of your home. What "feel" do you want to create--a fun coffee shop-like environment, for instance, or a well-oiled machine where family members are fed healthy meals in an efficient manner? What do you eat and and when; how do you buy and prepare it; and who does what? How we act around food, how we talk about it, as well as what we serve and when and under what circumstances we eat--whether we stand in the kitchen and wolf it down, eat in front of the TV on trays, or sit down to a nicely set table--says a lot about our families and the attitudes about food our children will take with them into life.

As the family manager, you are creating a place where food can bring out the best in your diners--even if you don't consider yourself a wonderful cook. No matter what your culinary acumen, now and then it's good to evaluate the food and meal routines in your home and decide whether you need to make some adjustments. Maybe you or other family members have been wanting to shed a few pounds. Maybe you're concerned about the amount of fat you're eating. Maybe you've been eating out and on the run too often. Even if you are entirely satisfied with what you eat and the way you eat it, maybe it's time to reassess who does what.

Food also has a lot to do with traditions and your family's legacies. Favorite recipes passed down from one generation to another draw a family closer--whether you always make Grandma's potato salad on the Fourth of July or Aunt Betty's peppermint fudge on Christmas.

Good food helps to keep kids at home.

Good food also helps to keep kids at home. When they know there's good food and enough of it to share, your kids will want to invite their friends to your house. It may be a bit more work but trust me, it's better for your grocery bill to be a little higher and the music a little louder if the kids are at your house because you know where they are and what they're doing.

I think most moms would agree that the Food department is one of the most labor intensive of the seven. There's the planning of meals, the shopping for the food, the prep work, the cooking, the serving, and of course, the cleanup. Multiply this by three, not counting snacks and entertaining, and you've got yourself an average day. At times the tasks in this or any department can seem overwhelming, and when they do, it's a good idea to step back, breathe deeply, and ask God to adjust your perspective.

Whether you relish every moment in the kitchen or dread the daily question "What's for dinner?" the time-saving, efficiency-enhancing hints in the articles below will help you gain a little time to relax and enjoy the bonds forged and memories sealed in the heart of your home.

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