Africa is the continent with many untapped renewables resources: Solar, hydro, geothermal, and wind energy

It is no secret that one of the most discussed topics includes the renewable energy sector, and suppose you are keen on this topic. You will notice that many countries across Asia, Europe, and America have the best records in renewable energy exploration. One of the continents that rarely appear on these charts includes Africa. However, after a well-researched study, experts claim that the continent features the most untapped renewables resources. The energy potential of Africa goes beyond the current and forecasted energy consumption across the continent.

Environment-conscious organizations and climate experts have brought to light where the planet is and where we will land if we don’t change the way we do our operations and pose a danger to the environment. As a result, cleaner energy should be the top priority agenda across the globe. However, that is not the case for some countries as they struggle with underdeveloped grids, funding issues, lack of competition, and unclear environmental regulations.

In some areas driven by technological assets and lower prices, renewable energy almost matches the performance parity and cost rating of fossil fuels. It may take some time before the globe ultimately transitions to clean energy, but we are reaching there with the recent renewable energy innovations. In Africa, renewable energy capacity rose to 50GW in 2018 from 28GW in 2010, a 20.4% increase in renewables in a timeline of eight years. Statics show that non-hydro renewable energy sources only amount to 15GW in 2018, equally 6% of the continent’s total power. In 2014, the IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) studied the continent’s potential in several renewable energy technologies.

Solar energy: The research suggests that the solar energy on the planet could result in 620,000TWh of power annually, and the primary potential lies in Sothern and eastern Africa. Research mainly concentrating in the eastern and southern part of the continent indicate untapped resources that can improve clean energy supply in the area. However, the 2018 figures report solar energy capacity at 4.5GW.

Wind: Wind resources in the continent are also high, with the eastern and northern coastal locations having the potential to deliver 460,000TWh of power annually. However, the wind energy figures indicate a capacity of 5.5GW, with South Africa dominating in this sector.

Geothermal: Renewable energy resources are primarily in the Eastern Africa region, with the power to exceed 15GW. However, only Kenya currently has a 700MW geothermal capacity and aims for an additional 1000MW this year.

Hydroelectric: The potential of hydroelectric power in the continent amounts to 1,120TWh in twelve countries, representing its maximum hydropower potential. Reports, however, suggest that only 11% of these resources are used.

Africa holds the most potential in renewables, and if they work on exploring these resources, its renewable energy capacity will be unbeatable.

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